When a life – limiting situation arises and a loved one cannot take care of themselves, hospice can help you plan for the future.
There are 4 main goals of Hospice care:
1. Pain Management
2. Comfort and Convenience Care
3. Physical, Mental, Spiritual Care
4. Family Care
Pain Management
Once doctors have deemed the diagnosis of a condition or illness of a patient is terminal, the patient isn’t looking for treatment but help to ease the pain of the underlying condition.
Hospice care helps people relieve pain and discomfort. Since medications are used to treat pain, increased dosage may be permitted when under hospice care. Medications are used to help patients relax and sleep better as well. Massage and other physical activities can be helpful as well.
Comfort and Convenience Care
When a patient is able to be in the hospice program, issues do arise when one wants to take care of themselves. Issues like being able to dress themselves, bathing, eating, and other basic tasks.
This is where a patient can benefit from having hospice professionals or in-home personal care assistants help them with these everyday tasks. When the patient feels like they can be less of a burden to their family, a greater feeling of control is given to the patient.
Physical, Mental, Spiritual Care
Patients with terminal illnesses still need medical care, including dietary counseling. Changing bandages, catheters, and other necessary equipment must be done by trained personnel. In-patient care may be needed in emergencies.
During this time, the patient will have taken a mental toll that effects not only their mental health but their emotional health. With hospice, they will receive services to help alleviate this stress and help enable them to keep a more positive outlook. Home Caregivers may also be eligible to receive counseling services to help them avoid the burnout that can come with taking care of a loved one.
When providing spiritual care, the patient can feel positive effects on individual’s stress responses, spiritual well-being, and relationships. Spiritual care can also help individuals and families discover their personal meaning and purpose in life, achieve peace and tranquility, and develop a stronger faith.
Family Care
Along with spiritual care, the family can receive grief support and counseling that can help them cope with the situation that is going on. The family can use the hospice program as a source of support that will go beyond the life of the patient, so that the patient themselves can be at peace.
The hospice care program is there to assist patients and their families go through the trying times with less pain. If you or one of your loved ones is in need of assistance, please feel free to contact me.