July 12, 2022 In Uncategorized
How to deal with end-of-life changes
There’s no price tag for that, right? Most people would give anything to be able to spend one more month with their mother or father.Yet, studies have shown that patients
By Manny July 12, 2022 In Uncategorized
There’s no price tag for that, right? Most people would give anything to be able to spend one more month with their mother or father.Yet, studies have shown that patients
By Manny July 7, 2022 In Uncategorized
We tend to tiptoe around the topic of death. It’s often uncomfortable to talk about the last days or weeks before our loved ones or our patients pass away. It’s a
By Manny July 6, 2022 In Uncategorized
You naturally care about the quality of life and the final days of your patients. But how do you know you’re handing it right?As care-takers we need to learn how
By Manny April 5, 2022 In Uncategorized
What is symptom management?Symptom management in hospice means residents that receive aggressive care are less likely to suffer from their underlying condition.The GoalThe goal of end-of-life care is to provide
By Manny April 5, 2022 In Uncategorized
When a life – limiting situation arises and a loved one cannot take care of themselves, hospice can help you plan for the future. There are 4 main goals of Hospice
By Manny January 7, 2022 In Hospice Explained
Hospice care consists of several benefits: Patients may get short-term, in-home care from a team of doctors, nurses and caregivers. They also may get medical equipment to help at home,