You naturally care about the quality of life and the final days of your patients. But how do you know you’re handing it right?
As care-takers we need to learn how to assess and measure this better in order to know what to improve.
And there’s not just the quality of life but, as some would argue, also the quality of death or of the dying process that might be equally important. In short, that means providing the space and context for a patient to live the final months and die with dignity.
But how can you assess that?
Recent surveys and psychometric analyses have identified nine measures we turn to in order to assess and improve hospice care:
1. Hospice Team Communication
2. Getting Timely Care
3. Treating The Patient with Respect
4. Providing Emotional Support
5. Getting Help for Symptoms
6. Hospice Care Training (in a home setting)
7. Information Continuity
8. Support for Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
9. Understanding the Side Effects of Pain Medication
This means that the patient and the family should be instructed on how to handle end-of-life symptoms and administer pain medication, while having a comfortable, quiet place available to spend time with the loved ones.
They need to know there’s 24/7 emergency staff available and that they are guided on how the time they have left should be used. Patients and their families need to know what is happening, what medication is used or why, and what they can expect.
Lastly, but not less important, is to be able to get support to find meaning in their experience and to deal with moments that are emotionally challenging.
Do you need any help in providing and improving some of these indicators?
I’d love to help. Shoot me a message if you’re interested in talking more about this!